Expressions of Queer Power from Far West NSW 

WHERE: Broken Hill Art Gallery

Live and Online 12 August – 9 September 

Live performance event

2:30pm - 3:30pm and
post-show discussion 3:45pm - 4:30pm on 6 September

Bookings are essential.
Click here to reserve free tickets

Created by Jeremy Goldstein 

 Community participants: 

Max Burrows, Michael Chapman, Elijah Forster, Abbie Kelly, Matthew McIntosh, Jack Simmonds


Directed by Anne-Louise Rentell

Photography by Em Jensen and Cassandra Hannagan 

Poetry by Henry Woolf


“My existence shouldn’t be political but being a queer kid in a country town like Broken Hill is an interesting experience.” Max Burrows


‘This Is Who I Am’ is a new interdisciplinary theatre project exploring time, place, memory, and the nature of stories we tell about ourselves, and others to uncover social histories which might otherwise go untold or unacknowledged.

In this special community edition for West Darling Arts and Broken Heel Festival, participants’ monologues combine with photo portraits to reveal tender and hopeful expressions of Queer Power from people in Far West NSW. 

‘This Is Who I Am Broken Hill’ is a West Darling Arts Project in collaboration with Broken Hill Art Gallery, Broken Heel Festival, ACON and is funded by Regional Arts NSW.

‘This Is Who I Am’ is the companion work to Jeremy Goldstein’s internationally acclaimed Truth to Power Café.  Both works are inspired by the political and philosophical beliefs of Nobel Prize winning playwright Harold Pinter and his inner circle the Hackney Gang.  Developed with UK theatre director Jen Heyes, and Harold Pinter Archive at the British Library London.